Love At Any Age

love is a powerful thing. it seems like everyone's searching for it, but it really is hard to find. especially when you're given extra stress that you need to find love by a certain age. society starts the clock on your countdown in your 20s, and if you haven't found it by your 30s, you're given the impression that anyone you might end up with have been the leftover scraps, because you know, all the good ones have been taken already. but love can come along at any age and at any time. it may not be everlasting love, but it's still love. and it can be nice to hear stories of people finding love later in life to remind us that there's really no clock that counts down to zero.

i read a story on sunday in the wedding sections about the marriage of author joyce maynard (famously known for her relationship at the age of 19 with "the catcher in the rye" author j.d. salinger). i actually worked with joyce a few years back when i was a book publicist. i handled media for the paperback release of her book labor day.

joyce met her husband on two years ago. both previously had marriages and children from those unions. this weekend, they married at the age of 59 (her) and 61 (him). this story is such a great reminder that not only can you not sit around just waiting for love to come your way, but you're never past the point of enjoying such a wonderful experience in life.

congrats to joyce, and to all the romantics out there, never give up.

image credit: new york times

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rain room

this past weekend, sunday was all about catching up on work, prepping some blog posts for this week, and just taking it easy after an exhausting saturday. i got up super early and went to check out moma's latest exhibit, the rain room. people have been raving about this installation where motion detection sensors prevent you from getting rained on while water falls all around you. even the creator of cronuts took one of his highly-coveted pastries there.

this was the last weekend before the exhibit closed for good, so i just had to see what the buzz was about. unfortunately, so did every other new yorker around. i got in line at 7am, and there were plenty of people with the same idea. after several hours of people dropping off, getting sunburned shoulders and basically feeling like i was in an episode of survivor, i made it inside.

and yes indeed, it was an amazing exhibit! they allow 10 people under the rain at a time, and in my group, we definitely had a diva. i had bonded with 6 other women in line during our lengthy wait, and we wanted to do a group shot. well, the diva jumped right in front and struck a pose. check her out in all white below.

what are some cool exhibits going on in your city? list them below or send me an email at!

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Motivation Monday

happy monday kandids! i hope everyone had a good weekend. mine definitely had its moments of ups and downs. like most people, there are challenges we have to face constantly in both our professional and personal lives. i'm dealing with challenges in both, but i always know that these problems will be solved. i just keep reminding myself to keep looking ahead.

i know i'm not the only one seeking words of encouragement, so i wanted to share one of my favorite movie quotes (from the dark knight) that i think can apply to most difficulties we experience. just remember, it's a brand new day, a brand new week, and in just a few days, it'll be a brand new month. changes are always around the corner.

"The night is darkest just before the dawn. And I promise you, the dawn is coming."

image credit:

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Linking Around

wow, it's been a crazy, busy week. can you believe it'll be august next week? for now, let's enjoy the fact that it's still july. the weekend is so close it's hard to concentrate, so below are some fun links to provide even more distractions!

magic mike is coming to broadway

will prince william change the perception of mr. mom?

watch this cute little girl in japan try a bunch of world dishes

this guy accidentally photobombs a proposal pic

book-inspired flavors for national ice cream month!

the sandlot cast reunites!

27 underrated things about being in your 30's ever felt like having a meltdown at an apple store? this lady did just that.

flawless date-night dresses

how to feel sexier instantly

everyone should have food fantasies, yum!

image credit: rottenecards

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The Kind Diet

i've been feeling so sluggish lately. i don't sleep enough, i'm not eating well, i need to exercise more often - the list goes on and on. but i'm realizing that instead of complaining, i really need to make lifestyle changes, and more importantly, i actually need to put them in effect. one of my first changes will be to wake up earlier, and i then want to focus on making healthier food choices.

i remember a few years ago when alicia silverstone released her book the kind diet. there were actually some really good reviews, so last week i decided to borrow a copy from the library to see what the fuss was about. i'm still making my way through it, but overall, i'm pleasantly surprised. the book has definitely been a wake-up call about what i've been eating all of my life, and i plan to start making some small changes starting this week. mainly, i want to start eating more vegetables, fruits and even beans, and starting to limit the amount of meat and dairy products that i consume. i'm willing to give this new eating plan a try for a few weeks to see if i can notice any positive effects.

alicia even lists some of her favorite healthy nyc restaurants on her site, so i can't wait to check those out to help me as i give this new plan a test drive. in the book, they also mention signing up for a csa, which provides you with locally grown fruits and vegetables. a friend of mine recently mentioned that she just signed up for one and loves it, so now i'm really intrigued!

have any of you read this book? or do any of you have vegan diets? would love to hear your thoughts, especially if you went from eating meat and dairy to being vegan.

image credit: vegitarian star

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Motivational Monday

hello kandids, hope you all had a wonderful weekend. can you believe this is the last full week of july? august is right around the corner. where has the time gone? knowing that we're zooming through the year has been a wake-up call, especially since i thought i'd have more done with my drinkware line by now. but at the same time, i have been making some progress. i filed my provisional patent in may, i've determined my brand name and am working on my logo. better to take a few steps forward than none at all.

in an effort to become even more productive, i want to try to wake up earlier. i've been a night owl all of my life, but based on this recent huffington post piece, the most successful people all wake up by 6:00am. ugh, that is so damn early! but i do think there's something to be said for getting up so early, especially in this tech-based, 24/7 world. being up that early means you can actually work uninterrupted as most people are still sleeping, getting dressed or commuting to work. just think about how much you can get done between 6:00am and 9:00am, before anyone even has the chance to reach out to you to start the work day? i'm going to try to implement early wake-up times from now through the end of august and will report back on if my productivity level increased. fingers crossed!

what about you? are any of you natural early birds? do you force yourself to get up early to be productive?

and if you have any tips on how you get up early, please share. i can use all of the help i can get! and on that note, check out this motivational video, shared with me by my friend linda. my favorite quote: "it's necessary to get the losers out of your life if you want to live your dream". preach.

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It's Friday!

yes, the end of another week. it's friday, people!! so what you are doing here? go outside! soak in the rays, good times and laughter. if that's not enough to convince you, i'll have my boy ferris bueller set you straight.

see you all next week!

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Linking Around

the weekend is right around the corner, and with so many of you enjoying summer fridays (jealous!), i know you'd much rather procrastinate with me on the web to help the day go by faster. check out some fun links below!

first fun link - my 10 question drinkware survey! share with me what you love about cocktails (you can see more details from my post earlier this week)

jimmy kimmel interviewed michael jordan - you know, if jordan looked exactly like kristen wiig

a parody combo of game of throne's and gotye's "somebody i used to know"

would you buy your bald baby a wig?

what would happen if you gave an oreo to that cute guy?

dream of rv travels? check out the caravan of the future!

do a good deed today and donate to glamourgals by becoming a gg visionary!

a 10-day entrepreneur program for high school girls ... wish this was around when i was younger!

so sad losing this young, beautiful, 13-year-old youtube beauty artist

nicholas cage as disney princesses

the 15 heaviest coffee drinking professions (mine is #2!)

did you know tina turner has swedish citizenship and just married her beau of 27 years? she makes getting older look good!

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Work/Life Balance for Moms

it's really unbelievable that in 2013 we're still debating whether a woman, especially a mother, can have it all. the truth is that not every woman wants the same things, and that's ok. just because one chooses to stay home doesn't mean that she lacks ambition in life. if a woman wants a career, it doesn't mean she devalues family time. and if a woman decides that motherhood isn't for her, nothing is wrong with her! everyone makes choices that are best for them, and at the end of the day, if you don't agree with how someone is living their life, guess what? it's their life! live yours the way you want to, and as long as your choices make you happy, that's what's really important.

i personally have found that my desires as a female have changed quite a bit over the years. at 25, i really felt impartial to marriage and kids. i always thought, if it happens, great. if it doesn't, it's not the end of the world. i have several generational female family members who have had no kids, or have been single moms or have never been married. and seeing how they lived life and found ways to be joyful made me think, everything happens for a reason, and that's ok.

but by the time i was about 28 or 29, i started to feel differently. i thought, hmm, maybe i do want to get married. and despite being absolutely terrified by child birth, i'd like to have a kid (or two, which will depend on how hard it was pushing out the first one). now that i've entered my 30s (where has the freakin' time gone?!), i feel more strongly than ever that i really want these things. and that's why being an entrepreneur has been an even more influential factor in my life than i thought was possible. don't get me wrong, it's not always easy. but i have a vision for my future, and the most important element i'm working toward is flexibility.

how do i see my life 10 years from now? if i don't feel like working one day, i can take off. if i want to go to my kids' soccer game at 2pm on a tuesday, i can do it and not have to ask for anyone's permission. should i want to travel the world for a few months, i can grab my laptop, cell phone, a plane ticket and be on my way.

i'm really hoping more women in the near future can find the life/work balance they desire, especially as the debate still rages on. just recently ran a piece about moms mudslinging each other and the new york times had a piece about women requesting more options to work from home.

i'm still figuring out this working-for-yourself gig day by day. but i'm confident i'll figure it out - at least, figure out what's right for me.

also, since i'm hoping my drinkware will help me achieve the future flexibility i desire, would greatly appreciate it if you set aside a minute to take my 10 question drinkware survey. and feel free to share with your friends!

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Survey Time

i've been working for myself since february 2012. i made the decision to go the entrepreneurial route in december 2011 while working a full-time job at a pr agency that just wasn't the right fit for me. during those few months before i launched hot property pr, i spent countless hours, days and nights talking to friends who had launched their own pr agencies, doing research and contacting potential clients and basically working on 4 hours of sleep a day. i was determined to start my business as soon as possible to change my work environment, and it was really amazing to see how much i was able to get done with only 24 hours in a day.

now i feel like i'm doing the whole process over again by handling pr for my own clients during the day and working on my drinkware during the evenings and weekends. right now i'm getting all my financials figured out to determine how much it'll cost to launch my first collection, which i may possibly fund with a crowdfunding campaign later this year. but there's still some market research i need to do as i work out the kinks with my prototypes, and would love your assistance if you'd take a few minutes to answer the questions below (you can also access at this link). and feel free to leave a comment about your favorite cocktails. some of personal faves include a dark & stormy, manhattans and lemon drop martinis!

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

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Swoon: Aaron Paul

in the august issue of glamour, they have a brief q&a with breaking bad actor aaron paul. as he recently got married, they asked him about his wife and when they first met. he shares the following:

"we met at cochella. she was seeing someone and i was seeing someone, so we were friends for a year. one year later we were back in coachella, but this time we were both single and checked out a show together. at 1:00 am that night we were lying on a golf course under the stars, and i said, 'don't think i'm crazy, but i'm in love with you. i'm going to court you the rest of your life.'"

um, yeah. if you're not swooning, we may need to have a discussion about romance. enjoy the rest of your day kandids!

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She's Not Cuckoo

have you heard the buzz about robert galbraith's "the cuckoo's calling"? it's getting rave reviews and being called a must-read. but what's really impressive is that robert doesn't exist. he's made up. and who exactly is behind this so-called phenomenal debut novel? oh, that would be none other than billionaire author j.k. rowling. clearly, this woman knows how to make lightening strike more than once. just when you thought she wouldn't be able to find literary success outside of the harry potter world. you go, girl!

image credit: hypable

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All That Glitters

this week is looking crazy business! in addition to still working on the drinkware and having recently signed on a new client for my pr business, i've been called in for jury duty tomorrow, blah! on a cheerier note, my mom loved her christian louboutin shoes. ooohhh, shiny!

so on that note, with a busy monday ahead for all of us, here's a motivational quote from mellody hobson. not only is the woman a financial guru breaking gender and racial barriers in her industry, but she also snagged george lucas (the two recently wed in a dreamy affair). clearly, she's doing something right.

image credit:

you can read more motivational monday posts here, here and here!

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Linking Around

"a cinemagraph is an image that contains within itself a living moment that allows a glimpse of time to be experienced and preserved endlessly."

in other words, we're talking about moving pictures, people. moving pictures! you have to check out the site to see what i'm talking about. some of the photos are beautiful and stunning, and others have a bit of an eerie, creepy factor. but they're definitely worth checking out.

here are some other cool links from around the web!

clear nail polish on the inside of your rings gets rid of green stains, and other cool tips!

jay-z performs for 6 hours straight at nyc art gallery

ladies, let adrienne bailon show you how to give yourself a vajacial (aka vajayjay facial)

this prank is so mean, but so funny!

i'm not the only fan of lauren conrad and her ever-growing empire

all i need to find is a silver sequined jacket and this will be my go-to date night look

the secret garden is one my favorite books, and this couple incorporated the theme perfectly into their wedding

a model who doesn't condone young girls modeling and became a TED talk sensation

this woman taught herself to dance in 365 days

check out the trailer for the upcoming elizabeth taylor tv movie featuring helena bonham carter

image credit: cinemagraphs

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Social Media Explained

if you're like me, it can be overwhelming trying to stay on top of the latest social media platform. don't believe me? you're probably now getting acclimated with twitter's vine and instagram video, or will be very shortly.

well problem solved as i came across this photo that easily breaks down how the most popular social media sites work. and the best part - they use donuts in all of their examples. definitely got my attention!

image credit: careerealism

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Success After 30

nowadays, the younger you become successful, it seems the more intriguing your story. just because you're not a 13-year-old kid who just launched an iphone app from your bedroom doesn't mean that you can't find success later in life. while i launched my pr agency at 29, i'm still working to launch a product business while in my 30s. the only factor that really matters is that no matter how old you are, you don't give up on making your dreams happen. i came across a post from hellogiggles that features 11 famous people who didn't find success until in their 30s. you can check out the full list below!

  • jon hamm
  • vera wang
  • jenna fischer
  • julia child
  • amy poehler
  • tina fey
  • j,k. rowling
  • alan rickman
  • leonard cohen
  • hillary clinton
  • kelly oxford

image credit: deviantart

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Joining the Color Run

well, for the first time since starting my blog, i accidentally deleted a scheduled post, grr. so i've had to slightly redraft, and i apologize that it's not as put together as i had before.

i'm not the most athletic person in the world, and by far, i absolutely hate running. so guess what i did? yep, i signed up for a 5k. but not just any 5k. i registered for the color run, taking place in brooklyn in september. i was supposed to participate in the color run last year, but had to cancel last minute. i'm super stoked for it this year though, and even Z is joining. i'll have to start getting myself in shape over the next few weeks as i really don't want to be the last person to cross the finish line.

from what i've seen online, and from my facebook newsfeed, it looks like a lot of people have had a pretty awesome time at the color run, and i feel if i'm gonna do a 5k, this is probably the coolest one to start with, no?

have any of you done the color run? any other 5ks you'd suggest i check out? leave a comment below, or email me at!

image credit: the color run

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DVF Wisdom

i hope everyone had a great 4th of july! the weather gods must have been smiling down because instead of constant rain, we got tons of sunshine, perfect for outdoor gatherings. but as usual, we're back to kicking off another week, and mondays always seem tougher when following a 3- or 4-day weekend.

to help get you motivated through the day, i'm sharing a special quote from diane von furstenberg. i'm always more partial to getting motivation from female entrepeneurs, and there aren't many who are more influential than dvf. let's be productive kandids!

images courtesy of so haute style and lilac & anchor

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Present Envy

in a recent post, i've mentioned that my mom's 50th birthday was coming up. as it's on tuesday, and we're talking about a huge milestone, i wanted to get her a gift that i thought really signified such an important birthday. it took me some time to figure out what exactly that would be, but earlier this week i finally figured out the perfect present and picked it up on tuesday. can anyone guess from the image above? i'm actually having some present envy myself. i'll have to share some pics once my mom's opens up her gift to let you know what she thinks!

have a good weekend kandids!

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